Wednesday, 30 April 2008

The Decent Work Deficit

“Under these circumstances, it is clear that the kind of future people want is one that can deliver opportunities for decent work in a sustainable environment. This is a perfectly normal human aspiration.

The goal of decent work is best expressed through the eyes of people. It is about our job and future prospects; about our working conditions; about balancing work and family life, putting our kids through school or getting them out of child labor.

It is about our personal abilities to compete in the market place, keep up with new technological skills and remain healthy. It is about developing our entrepreneurial skills, about receiving a fair share of the wealth that have helped to create and not being discriminated against; it is about having a voice in our workplace and our community.

In the most extreme situations it is about moving from subsistence to existence. For many, it is the primary route out of poverty. For many more, it is about realizing personal aspirations in their daily existence and about solidarity with others. And everywhere, and for everybody, decent work is about securing human dignity.”

Source from ILO, 89th session, Geneva 2001


Anonymous said...

To lu orang mane kau menghilang??? kau tgh sibuk ke kat stor ko?? dapat OM baru ke?? keje best?? kau xnak coment ke pasal blog ni?? atau kau dah sedar diri??? betape hebatnye orang2 lame yang ade SPM?? bukan nak riak cume nak bagi tau je... kau kan wira kepade bdk2 MCd... heheheh

Anonymous said...

Aku setuju sangat dengan peryataan artikel ni.. aku sebagai pekerja ni sebenarnya dah sakit hati serta tawar hati untuk bekerja di 7e ni..

sedih aku dengan situasi syarikat sekarang ni.. aku rasa ed n sgm ni dah nyayuk agaknya.. kenape aku kate dorang dah nyanyuk? sebab hak hak pekerja masih lagi di nafikan!

dorang ni hidup zaman 80an... ingat orang zaman sekarang boleh ke di momokkan serta di takut- takutkan. sikit sikit ugut nak DI la. nak sack la.. and etc. tiap tiap sales comm itu je aku dengar dari mulut FM aku.. lain tara ka?

aku rasa dah sampai masanya untuk bukak jobstreet la pulak..

Selamat Hari Pekerja 2008!!

Unknown said...

aku dah tak tahan nak keje daaa..pas je aku baca komen2 kat blog ni aku jadik lagi malas nak kj. tiap2 ari aku ponteng kj..hehe